Privacy Policy
At Avionworx, we highly value your privacy. We are committed to respecting your privacy and adhering to all relevant laws and regulations when collecting any personal/company information, on our website (
Effective Date: January 31, 2024 | Last Updated: January 31, 2024

Information We Collect We collect data you knowingly provide and automatically gather from your devices during your use of our Services. When you visit our website, our servers may log standard information, such as IP address, browser type, and pages visited.
Personal Information We may request personal information, including surname, email, telephone number, and address. We only collect data necessary for providing our services. Collection and Use of Information
We collect, store, and use information to communicate with you, facilitate website access, and for internal records. Data may be combined with information from trusted sources.
Security of Your Personal Information While we use reasonable means to protect your information, no electronic method is 100% secure. We comply with applicable data breach laws.
Data Retention We retain your data only as long as necessary. Legal, accounting, or reporting obligations may extend data retention. We delete or anonymize information when it's no longer needed.
Children's Privacy Our products and services aren't directed at children under 18. We don't knowingly collect personal information from those under 13.
Disclosure to Third Parties We may disclose personal information to affiliates, service providers, employees, or for legal requirements. International transfers comply with applicable laws.
Your Rights and Control You reserve the right to withhold information, request details of data held, and exercise control over your personal data. You can unsubscribe from communications at any time.
Use of Cookies We use cookies to understand your website activities and provide content based on your preferences.
Limits of Our Policy External websites linked on our platform are beyond our control, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices.
Changes to this Policy We may update our privacy policy to align with business processes, practices, or legal changes. Changes will be posted at the provided link.
Contact Us For privacy-related inquiries, please email Thank you for viewing AvionWorx, we hope to cross paths soon.
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